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Titel: OUTLOUD - Outloud
Medium: CD Stil: Hard Rock Veröffentlichungsdatum: 28. August 2009 Label: Frontiers Records (Vertrieb: Soulfood) Link: www.myspace.com/outloudtheband |
Hier die Songs
des neuen Albums in einer kurzen Einzelbesprechung:
1. What I Need
Schneller Einstiegstrack bei dem die 80er mit geilem Melodic Hardrock gleich wieder aufleben. Klingt ein wenig wie Damn Yankies
zu ihren besten Zeiten. Gibt direkt die Richtung des Albums vor.
2. We Run
Absoluter Ohrwurm mit Hymnencharakter. Geile Maiden-like-Riffs zu Beginn mit Gesangslinien à la alter Europe.
3. Tonight
"Runaway" von Bon Jovi lässt grüßen. Könnte man stellenweise glatt verwechseln.
Lädt zum Mitsingen ein.
4. Search For Truth
Midtemposong mit viel Groove und starken Riffs.
5. This Broken Heart
Super Ballade mit Akkustik-Gitarren-Einstieg, steigert sich dann zu E-Gitarren. Zu vergleichen mit Europes "Prisoners in Paradise".
6. Breathing The Fire
Hier gehts wieder schön zur Sache. Schneller Song zum Abrocken. Cooles Gitarrensolo & Mitsing-Refrain. DER Song um Live das
Publikum gesanglich einzubinden!
7. Wild Life
Auch wieder ein Midtempo-Rocker, der die 80er mit ein wenig Firehouse-Flair aufleben lässt.
8. Broken Sleep
Schnellerer Songs mit einigen Tempiwechseln und gut gemachten Breaks.
9. Out In The Night
Hammergeiles Einstiegsriff. Schweisstreibend-schneller Song der zum Headbangen
einlädt, mit Gesangslinien in Richtung Bon Jovi anno 1984.
10. Lovesigh
Noch eine schöne Ballade. Nur Akkustikgitarren und Gesang. Hier kommt die hammergeile Stimme von Sänger Chandler Mogel
so richtig zur Geltung.
11. Out Loud
Der Titelsong lädt zum Ausklang des Albums nochmals so richtig zum Abrocken ein. Superschnell und somit wohl der schnellste Songs
des Albums, starke Riffs, guter Groove und saustarke Gesangsleistung.
(Yvonne Bernhard, Juli 2009)
zu OUTLOUD - 'Outloud' (Frontiers Records; nur in Englisch verfügbar)
Outloud was formed in 2008 featuring Firewind members Bob Katsionis (Keyboards, Guitar)
and Mark Cross (Drums). However the band’s history dates back to 2004 in Athens, Greece
when young Tony Kash started taking guitar lessons from Bob Katsionis (Firewind,
ex-Nightfall). Tony soon appeared to be a kid born to rock and was constantly coming up with
some great riffs that led Bob to record those to demos, which turned out to be really good
material with catchy tunes. A strong melodic voice was soon needed! Bob remembered someone
he once met in New York during one of FIREWIND's US tours who seemed to be the right guy.
Chandler Mogel (Talon) was contacted and immediately flown in from New York to record at
Bob's studio in Greece and in 3 days time the three of them recorded a bunch of songs that even
surprised themselves! It seemed that everything was going too well, until one morning a power
drop erased all files on Bob’s computer and everything needed to be re-done from scratch!
This seemed like a divine sign pointing them to another direction: Cut the crap with the so
called "internet project" mentality and get back to basics! Form a REAL ROCK BAND! Since
Outloud’s Music carries the 80’s “good time philosophy”, their songs are sometimes poppy but
also technical, good musicians were needed!
Jason Mercury, Tony's best friend was given the position of the bass player, whilst Bob called
his band mate veteran skin-beater Mark Cross with who he had been playing with in Firewind
for the past 4 years. Mark Cross (Firewind, ex-Helloween, Metalium, Kingdom Come a.o.),
was enthused by listening to the material and perfectly fit in the puzzle and also joined the
band. Gods seemed to be pleased after all.
The five of them started to jam over the existing ideas and added the final arrangements and
finishing touch to Outloud’s music and in September 2008 the band entered the Basement
studio in Athens and recorded their debut album. Mixed and mastered by none other than
Tommy Hansen (Helloween) the album presents 11 original compositions, which can be
described as a mixture of Riot’s “Fire Down Under”, Skid Row debut album, TNT’s “Tell No
Tales” with some Foreigner melodic elements.
With those kick ass songs and incredible attitude Frontiers immediately signed the band giving
them a hot spot priority release worldwide in August.
Get ready for the #1 debut of the year in 2009!
Jason Mercury: Bass
Bob Katsionis: Guitar & Keyboards
Mark Cross: Drums
Chandler Mogel: Vocals
Tony Kash: Guitar